Visual Problems

Vision problems are common in the general population, which are due to neurological disorders we include within the term the neuro-ophthalmological pathology.
We divide them into a series of changes by symptoms that the patient note:
Diplopia or double vision
Loss of vision in one or both eyes
Changes in pupils (anisocoria)
Eyelid drooping or ptosis
In double vision (diplopia) is essential to know if the patient has to look with both eyes but to cover her either disappears, usually caused by neurological disorders, which remains to cover her one eye that usually ophthalmological be.
The causes of double vision of neurological origin are varied, from paretic problems (loss of strength or lack of activation of the muscles that move the eyes) or restrictive (fibrosis or injuries that prevent the eye from moving. The diplopia, though it may be due to slight alterations, sometimes it is the expression of serious illness and is recomentable evaluation by a neurologist as soon as possible. diseases such as multiple laesclerosis, myasthenia, intracranial hypertension may present with double vision.
One of the most important and urgent neurological conditions is the loss of vision of one or both eyes. It may be due to multiple causes and is crucial to perform an early diagnosis can sometimes prevent loss of vision or worse or the patient associate other deficits.
Among the paintings that produce vision loss in young people is multiple sclerosis, which may be of debut or Devic’s disease. In both early diagnosis it is important. In patients with risk factors can cause a stroke in the anterior optic nerve is known as anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (AION). Sometimes the NOIA are an expression of temporal arteritis and proper and early treatment changes the prognosis of patients.
Although it may seem banal alteration in the pupils (anisocoria) may be the expression of serious diseases. In these cases the patient should be evaluated, even to test or tests to rule out serious pathology such as lesions in the arteries that carry blood to the brain.
Eyelid drooping or ptosis is another symptom that may alarm or debut of serious diseases such as myasthenia