Headache Unit

Diagnostic and therapeutic approach of the major headaches, both primary
(Migraine, tension headache, cluster headache, …) as a secondary
action protocol based on the following premises:
Detailed clinical history.
formal neurological examination.
Application and evaluation of additional studies come (in
Where necessary) with almost the same availability
Diagnostic according to the International Classification of Headache Disorders coding.
Treatment planning in its various forms, namely:
Symptomatic treatment.
preventive treatment (in specific cases).
Interventional treatments (nerve blocks, injections, botulinum toxin, stimulators, …) in specific cases.
periodic monitoring in consultation with the rate set visits to each particular situation.
multidisciplinary approach through joint discussion with specialists from other services when indicated.
Headaches for its special complexity necessitate hospitalization with
diagnostic purposes.
Symptomatic headaches.
migraine attack.
Hemiplegic migraine.
Other …
Headaches for its special disability necessitate hospitalization for therapeutic purposes.
State migraine.
Refractory cluster headache.
Analgesic overuse headache.
cranial neuralgia refractory.
Other …