Neurology is the branch of medicine that is responsible for research, study, diagnosis and treatment of diseases that have their seat in the central nervous system, consisting of the brain and spinal cord, or peripheral nervous system in the that peripheral nerve pathologies themselves alongside those of include the neuromuscular junction and muscle. It is a complex specialty, since behind the same symptoms can hide very disparate really serious diseases, some of them.
Addition is much pathologies affecting the quality of life of the patient and in which a treatment properly designed, which not only improves patients, but also side effects not impair its activity is essential. This balance is critical and allows patients to be integrated into a normal life.
On the other hand other pathology involves the need for early diagnosis and act quickly in order to avoid long-term complications. The patients are able to recognize warning signs of TIA or stroke is basic, for example.
Diagnosis and treatment in the query:
The consultation usually usually manage patients with headache or headache (such as migraine, tension headache, cluster headache, or other less common as the numular, fugax epicranea, headache effort, …) and neuralgia (trigeminal neuralgia , …). Sometimes the key aspect is the diagnosis and exclude other causes that produce headache.
Another pathologies handled Epilepsy is usually where the diagnosis is initially basic and treatment should seek the fewest possible side effects. Currently in some patients we use rational combination therapy.
Often patients consultation memory problems and is essential to distinguish between dementias (Alzheimer’s disease, cognitive incipient spoilage, …), patients with mild cognitive impairment or other diseases coursing with memory lapses require specific treatment, such as deficit vitamins, …
Very important is proper treatment of patients with Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders (tremor, dystonia, secondary parkinsonism and restless leg syndrome). Here the proper handling of drugs mark the prognosis and patient outcomes, and proper design is critical of it and a dynamic patient management.
Control and secondary prevention of cerebrovascular disease (ischemic stroke, carotid disease, …), even prevent its recurrence and raising adequate rehabilitation.
Neuro-ophthalmological symptoms (double vision, optic neuritis, …). Many symptoms such as double vision or loss of vision have a neurological origin and is essential to a proper approach to patient diagnosis and therapy. Pictures like Charles Bonnet syndrome or visual snow can be treated and improve patients.
Dizziness, impaired balance and gait disorders are all highly disabling symptoms with specific treatment for each cause disease. For this reason the proper diagnosis of the patient is absolutely critical and direct treatment. From maneuvers to improve patient until sometimes the need for a surgical approach.
A common but socially problematic picture is facial paralysis, should be considered an appropriate differential diagnosis and establish treatment and other acute diseases of the peripheral nerve (herpes zoster, …) pain can be the protagonist and early treatment of it it could be important to change the course.
Diseases of the spinal cord (myelopathy) and motor neurons (lateral sclerosis, …) where the diagnosis is the result of clinical suspicion and proper selection of diagnostic tests.
Peripheral nerve diseases (polyneuropathy, Guillain-Barre, carpal tunnel syndrome, …) or neuromuscular junction (myasthenia gravis, …), may be associated with pain, loss of strength, fatigue or altered sensation. Sometimes it is complex charts and diagnosis is the only way to get proper treatment.
A frequent and sometimes disabling disease are sleep disorders (narcolepsy, sleep apnea syndrome, …), daytime sleepiness may involve a risk to the patient, or insomnia be a problem in itself.
Other neurological diseases subacute or chronic (herniated disc, spinal stenosis, …) that usually cause pain, tingling and loss of strength. Or falls due to gait disorders.
Assistance Hospital:
Outpatient therapeutic care:
Pathologies or neurological problems requiring parenteral administration of medication (vein) for a few hours. As an example:
Steroids in outbreaks of multiple sclerosis.
Administration of immunoglobulins in immune mediated neurological disorders (polyneuropathies, myasthenia gravis, …).
Treatment of migraine or chronic migraine status.
Conventional hospitalization
neurological disease that requires diagnostic techniques (lumbar puncture, …) or therapeutic procedures on an inpatient basis. As an example:
acute cerebrovascular disease, both ischemic (stroke) and hemorrhagic (cerebral hemorrhage), episodic (transient ischemic attack) or established
Central nervous system infections (meningitis, encephalitis, …).
acute inflammatory processes of the brain or spinal cord (buds (multiple sclerosis, acute myelitis, …).
Acute pathology of the peripheral nervous system (Guillain-Barre syndrome, …).
Decompensated known pathologies base (migraine status, status epilepticus, …).
neoformative processes brain (gliomas, other brain tumors, …).
Other neurological diseases that make accurate hospitalization (acute confusional state, …).
Study patients for interventional techniques (deep brain stimulation surgery refractory headaches, epilepsy surgery, …).