Alzheimer and other related diseases unit

Multidisciplinary work unit led by Dr. Porta-Etessam seeking a harmonious way, going from diagnosis of the disease suffered by the patient to the most appropriate treatments. Inside the unit there is a possibility of cognitive stimulation, advanced neuropsychological evaluation, home treatment resources, dietary advice, physical therapy and the possibility of income directed at an event or concurrent diseases.
It is intended for specialized diagnostic and therapeutic approach of the main causes of memory loss or other cognitive symptoms (language disorders, disorientation, agnosia, apraxia …). It is responsible for the diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of diseases such as Alzheimer’s, frontotemporal dementia or dementia with Lewy bodies. It has the most appropriate diagnostic techniques and is responsible for individual monitoring for each case, with the possibility of short income for the acute treatment of conduct disorder and legal advice.
Diagnostic and therapeutic approach of the main causes of memory loss or other cognitive symptoms (language disorders, disorientation, agnosia, apraxia …) with a protocol based on:
detailed medical history
detailed neurological examination, with special attention to the exploration of cortical functions
Possibility of neuropsychological study docketed
Application and evaluation of additional studies come (in cases where they are needed) with almost immediate availability of the same.
updated diagnostic classification using clinical criteria.
Treatment planning in its various forms, namely:
Guidance on nonpharmacological measures and neuropsychological rehabilitation.
periodic monitoring in consultation with the rate set visits to each particular situation.
multidisciplinary approach through joint discussion with specialists from other services when indicated.
cognitive disorders due to their complexity hospitalization for diagnostic purposes necessitate:
atypical dementias.
rapidly progressive dementias.
Important comorbidity.
Cognitive-behavioral disorders are difficult to handle hospitalization quehagan necessary for therapeutic purposes:
Patients with cognitive impairment and severe behavioral disorders.
Need for intravenous medication, etc..